As well as 15 bakery shops, most with cafés, Stuart’s have three award-winning combined baker/butcher/café shops, a flagship unit in Leven and another in Lundin Links. We are opening another new shop this week and have been running a series of competitions on Facebook leading up to the opening with the chance to win £25 worth of vouchers each time a winner is drawn. Thanks to everyone who has participated in these and congratulations to the winners.


The new store will be opening this Thursday 5th September at 6am and is the latest addition to this family business that was originally established in 1857. The Bake Hoose is a new venture for us in more ways than one. Located out of town, it gives us the space to offer everything all in one place. Positioned opposite the Bayview football ground in Leven with ample car parking, we are sure the concept will be a great success.


Retailing butchery and bakery products in our own stores and a number of convenience stores across Scotland has been a real recipe for success, but we never forget what made us successful. We prepare and sell the highest quality products with love, care and attention to detail. It’s a simple concept, using some of the traditional methods of preparation you’d expect from a local family Bakers & Butchers. We are proud of our heritage and even prouder to be expanding even further.


We are also currently recruiting, so if you feel strongly about quality, family and heritage, and would like to work with us then please get in touch. Plus if you are in the area, call in for a coffee and sample some of our tasty wares. We’ll be promoting some opening offers, so follow us on Facebook for the details and whilst you are on there, enter one of our competitions. You never know, you might win! In the meantime, we look forward to welcoming you at The Bake Hoose!